10.5 Gross Indecency:三审王尔德 朗读会repo

这次的Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde是个慈善朗读会性质,演员可以看着台本照着念……我没看过原剧,不过这部没多少大的舞台动作表现,感觉应该差不了多少?

Michael Emerson是二十年前首卡的王尔德,这次依旧是……我听说时整个人都惊呆了!毕竟当年ME也刚好差不多就是王尔德受审时的年龄,而现在已经二十年过去了,我从来没想过有生之年还能在舞台上再看到ME的王尔德……可以算是真·活久见系列了。



然后演出正式开始,ME的王尔德登场了。念了一段De Profundis。在一群穿着白衬衫黑西装的人里是唯一一抹亮色,红色的丝绸领巾,还保留了王尔德喜欢把花插在西装胸前口袋里伪装袋巾的小习惯XD

之后是第一幕,开审第一天。第一天的庭审是王尔德起诉Queensberry侯爵(也就是道格拉斯的父亲)对自己的侮辱。Queensberry留了封信给王尔德说他“posing somdomite”(全场哄笑……侯爵拼错了,应该是sodomite……23333)王尔德特别一言难尽地表示他的拼写有点与众不同(somewhat unusual)(全场再次哄笑)两人的对峙笑点超多,Queensberry是个粗鄙浅薄的人,干了很多让人哭笑不得的事,比如给王尔德留下一束蔬菜表示抗议(a protest bouquet of vegetables)……其间还介绍了王尔德的身份,诗人,小说家,散文家,剧作家(当时他的两部戏The Importance of Being Earnest和An Ideal Husband正在伦敦西区上演,这两部都超有趣啊让我安利下剧本!),还有无数屌炸天的经历……ME在舞台上真的自!带!一!种!不露声色的傲慢和嘲讽!!还有Wilde那种漂亮又锋利的幽默,被他那种淡定的调调念出来感觉特别好!!他在台上表现得无比淡定,台下的观众一波又一波都笑趴了……

之后大概是回忆?王尔德和Jonathan Groff演的道格拉斯互诉衷肠,各种情书和信,美得心都化了,熟悉王尔德聚聚的不用说了肯定懂……

还有王尔德的好友Frank也出现了,居然是NPH他老公David Burtka演的……!这次反倒演了个直男(够((


其间提到了王尔德投稿过的《变色龙(Chameleon)》杂志,其中有一篇文章叫《The Priest and the Acolyte》(没错就是“神父我有罪”的那种教堂.avi系列)Carson问你认为这篇文章是不道德的吗?王尔德表示是的,因为它写得很烂(全场大笑)Carson又逼问难道你不认为它是渎神的吗?王尔德说这篇很恶心,因为the ending was wrong!


Carson质问你自己有过你描写的这种男人之间的感情吗?王尔德说不,I borrow it from Shakespeare sonnet.

然后第二天世界各大报纸争相报道,大标题上头版,巴黎"This is how English behave with their poems!” 纽约”This is how English poet behave!”(笑cry

Carson指出王尔德与一个经常介绍男妓给嫖客的人有密切交往,经常出入某地(就是他与那些年轻男孩结识的地方),王尔德说那里只不过是个bachelor’s place,Carson:“Rather than a rough neighborhood?”王尔德说哦那里确实是离议会很近。(观众鼓掌+笑疯了……)

Clarke听到这个就慌了,在庭下问王尔德“你敢以一位英国绅士的名誉起誓,那些指控都是假的吗?”王尔德非常严肃地“I do.”这时候画外音表示,他并不是英国人,而是爱尔兰人……(全场爆笑)

Carson一一质问和列举王尔德和那些年轻漂亮男孩的交往,以及王尔德给他们的钱和礼物,王尔德对答如流,坚持那些亲密举动都是出于对他们人格和品位的欣赏和喜爱。问题都差不多,双方语速很快,等王尔德对这些没什么营养的问题感到厌倦,有些麻痹了,Carson又抛出了一个类似问题——她提到了另一个年轻男孩。那个男孩是个男仆。Carson问你吻过他吗?王尔德说No! He’s ugly. I feel sorry for him....说到这里才忽然意识到不对……Carson发现自己设下的陷阱成功了,进一步逼问你刚刚说他长得丑?这就是你不亲吻他的理由吗??于是王尔德被激怒了,说你们在羞辱我!你们用你们无理的问题羞辱我……我不知道自己为什么要提到他长得丑……


最后陪审团一致决定Queensberry无罪,对王尔德的侮辱是为了public benefits。Queensberry大获全胜(一帮人手舞足蹈地站在椅子上挥舞起了红彩带……),反咬王尔德commit acts of gross indecency并递交了证据。


这时Tituss Burgess扮演了维多利亚女王,重现了法令宣读过程。(戴上王冠假发捏着嗓子说话让大家都笑疯了……)法令主要是说男性之间有伤风化的行为都将被认定为犯罪,有个画外音问了一句How about women?女王捏着嗓子说Women won’t do such things!(全场再次爆笑)


道格拉斯离开前,给了他一个漫长的的一吻……全场寂静。可能是出于对ME的尊重,Jonathan Groff的这一吻给人感觉温柔又小心翼翼,代入两个热恋的人分别的时刻,显得特别让人心碎……像是有千言万语要说,最后却只化作轻轻一句珍重。





王尔德在庭上说:“I plead not guilty.”

这里插入了George Bernard Shaw对其这一说法的评论:有罪与否是一个问题(question)而不是事实(fact)。王尔德认为自己无罪,并不代表他否认自己做的事情,而是指他认为自己所做的事情并不是一种罪。换句话说,同性恋并不是一种罪,何来“犯罪”一说?


Darren Criss演第一个出庭作证的男妓 Parker,这时发生了一点小意外:工作人员忘记把台本翻到他那页了……于是公诉人Gill问出第一个问题“Do you have any families in London?”Darren还没翻到,就只见他一边狂翻台本,一边镇定地用Parker式的轻佻口吻说“Let me think about it...”全场爆笑……(这孩子随机应变能力真好23333)



Andy Mientus演了Mavor,是四个男孩子里唯一一个有点良心,在各种威逼利诱下也坚持没有指认王尔德。他本来就和另外三个小无赖不一样,是个好孩子,纯粹出于仰慕才和他在一起。这次是因为受到威胁才不得不出庭作证。(其实我之前一直没看过Andy的现场,今天这是第一次听到他的声音……不过一开口就觉得:啊,怪不得他曾经演过小马。和他的外形给我的第一印象倒是有点出入……)


王尔德认真地与他们对峙,非常精彩,算是一个小高潮?还谈到了他对这种爱(”the love that dare not speak its name")的理解和阐释,ME这段表现得太好,情绪饱满极了,全场都受到了感染,听得人几次热泪盈眶(我旁边的小哥也在偷偷吸鼻子)就像前面George Bernard Shaw的评论,王尔德从不对自己的性向遮遮掩掩,而认为这是非常美好而高尚的事,他拿David和Jonathan作比,还引用到了许多他作品里的句子,这里就不一一说了,大家有机会拿到官录可以亲自体会。




"The world is growing more tolerant. One day you will be ashamed of your treatment of me.”



最后的Finale,以王尔德的散文诗《The House of Judgement》作为全剧的终结:

“And there was silence in the house of Judgment, and the Man came naked before God.

And God opened the Book of the Life of the Man.

And God said to the Man, ‘Thy life hath been evil, and thou hast shown cruelty to those who were in need of succour, and to those who lacked help thou hast been bitter and hard of heart. The poor called to thee and thou didst not hearken, and thine ears were closed to the cry of My afflicted. The inheritance of the fatherless thou didst take unto thyself, and thou didst send the foxes into the vineyard of thy neighbour’s field. Thou didst take the bread of the children and give it to the dogs to eat, and My lepers who lived in the marshes, and were at peace and praised Me, thou didst drive forth on to the highways, and on Mine earth out of which I made thee thou didst spill innocent blood.’

And the Man made answer and said, ‘Even so did I.’

And again God opened the Book of the Life of the Man.

And God said to the Man, ‘Thy life hath been evil, and the Beauty I have shown thou hast sought for, and the Good I have hidden thou didst pass by. The walls of thy chamber were painted with images, and from the bed of thine abominations thou didst rise up to the sound of flutes. Thou didst build seven altars to the sins I have suffered, and didst eat of the thing that may not be eaten, and the purple of thy raiment was broidered with the three signs of shame. Thine idols were neither of gold nor of silver that endure, but of flesh that dieth. Thou didst stain their hair with perfumes and put pomegranates in their hands. Thou didst stain their feet with saffron and spread carpets before them. With antimony thou didst stain their eyelids and their bodies thou didst smear with myrrh. Thou didst bow thyself to the ground before them, and the thrones of thine idols were set in the sun. Thou didst show to the sun thy shame and to the moon thy madness.’

And the Man made answer and said, ‘Even so did I.’

And a third time God opened the Book of the Life of the Man.

And God said to the Man, ‘Evil hath been thy life, and with evil didst thou requite good,* and with wrongdoing kindness. The hands that fed thee thou didst wound, and the breasts that gave thee suck thou didst despise. He who came to thee with water went away thirsting, and the outlawed men who hid thee in their tents at night thou didst betray before dawn. Thine enemy who spared thee thou didst snare in an ambush, and the friend who walked with thee thou didst sell for a price, and to those who brought thee Love thou didst ever give Lust in thy turn.’

And the Man made answer and said, ‘Even so did I.’

And God closed the Book of the Life of the Man, and said, ‘Surely I will send thee into Hell. Even into Hell will I send thee.’

And the Man cried out, ‘Thou canst not.’

And God said to the Man, ‘Wherefore can I not send thee to Hell, and for what reason?’

‘Because in Hell have I always lived,’ answered the Man.

And there was silence in the House of Judgment.

And after a space God spake, and said to the Man, ‘Seeing that I may not send thee into Hell, surely I will send thee unto Heaven. Even unto Heaven will I send thee.’

And the Man cried out, ‘Thou canst not.’

And God said to the Man, ‘Wherefore can I not send thee unto Heaven, and for what reason?’

‘Because never, and in no place, have I been able to imagine it,’ answered the Man.

And there was silence in the House of Judgment.”

——The House of Judgement, Oscar Wilde


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